3 Herbs for the Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system is an overlooked but crucial system in your body. It is an integral part of the immune system, is crucial for detoxification, and helps regulate the movement of nutrients and water around your body. (More on the lymphatic system here.) The steady movement of lymph fluid through the lymphatic vessels is crucial to the functioning of this system. Unlike the cardiovascular system, however, the lymphatic system does not have a pump like the heart to move lymph fluid throughout the body. Without outside influence, moving your body is the primary way we move lymph.  Thankfully, lymphatic herbs can help with this as well. Below are some safe, gentle lymphatic herbs that you can enjoy topically or internally. All of these herbs have a myriad of functions – this post will focus on the lymphatic properties.  


Calendula (Calendula officinalis)

Calendula is a big ball of herbal sunshine. It’s energy is warning and drying. Because calendula supports the digestive tract, I like using calendula in tea or tincture when I want to move lymph and support the digestive system. Calendula is often used in topical preparations because it’s healing and nourishing to the skin, but it also makes great addition to a lymphatic massage oil. 

Calendula is very safe, just be aware of its warming and drying quality 


cleavers cleaving

Cleavers (Gallium aparine

You know cleavers when walk by it in a field because it will stick (cleave) to your clothing as you pass by. This is indicative of what it’s doing in the body – it assists the lymphatic system in cleaning and clearing debris and toxins. It’s an effective, yet gentle lymphatic that’s great in a springtime tea blend. Enjoy cleavers in a tea or tincture. Cleavers is moistening and neutral in temperature. 

Cleavers is very safe, though be aware that it is a diuretic.

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Violet (Viola odorata

Violet is another springtime medicinal that is one of my favorites. It is cooling, moistening, and has an affinity for the breasts and upper body. Consistent use of violet is great for cysts, nodules, and other hard masses in the body. Violet can be made into a lovely breast oil that can be used daily along with a lymphatic tea. You can make a delightful, nutritive, electric green tea with fresh or freshly dried violet leaves and flowers. Violet syrup is lovely and great for kids.  

Violet is very safe. 


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