Why You Need An Underarm Detox

Let’s talk about…underarm odor. 

Don’t be shy, we’ve all got it, and most of us choose to quell it in some way or another. 

Do you ever notice that your pits are smelling/sweating more than usual? 

Have you tried to switch to more natural deodorants only to find that your skin seems more sensitive and is irritated by natural products? 

If you’re answer is yes to either of these, then you might need to some love to your lymphatic system by doing a bentonite clay armpit detox. 

What does an underarm detox do? 

Bentonite clay pulls out toxins and heavy metals from the body. There are several lymph nodes (part of the lymphatic system that filters out pathogens and toxins) near the armpit. When your arm pits are extra stinky or overly sensitive, it could be an indication that you’ve got some “stagnant” lymph hanging out in that area. In addition to moving your body and using lymphatic herbs, bentonite clay masks can be helpful for detoxing and reducing armpit odor. When I first transitioned from regular deodorant to natural deodorant, I did bentonite clay armpit detoxes for about 3 days in a row and noticed a significant reduction in my body odor and underarm skin sensitivity. Now, I do it every 3-6 months for maintenance. 

The case for natural deodorant. 

Your skin is your body’s largest organ of elimination. Conventional deodorants block sweat production, which, while convenient at times, disrupts a detoxification channel in your body. The armpits contain a lot of vasculature and lymph nodes right below the surface of the skin. Conventional deodorants, which contain things like aluminum, parabens, phthalates, artificial fragrances, and triclosan (spoiler alert, these are all toxic/endocrine disrupting) hanging out near your porous sweat glands and lymph nodes is…not great. 

Making the switch to natural deodorant is an adjustment. You have to get used to sweating. Because our sweat glands are there for a reason. BUT you don’t have to get used to smelling bad. If you’re making the switch from conventional to natural deodorant, use the bentonite clay mask on your armpits daily until your odor is reduced. (Some people also notice a reduction in the amount that they sweat.) Apply a naturally scented deodorant and you’re good to go! Your lymph nodes will thank you. v

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How do to a bentonite clay mask: 

  1. Using a non-metal utensil and container, combine equal parts bentonite clay and apple cider vinegar (can use water if you don’t have ACV). 

  2. Slather it onto your armpits and leave there until it starts to harden, about 15-20 minutes.

  3. Rinse in the shower or with a damp washcloth. 

  4. Repeat daily until odor is reduced or as needed for maintenance. 


  • Bentonite clay extracts heavy metals from the body. Using a meal utensil/container to mix the clay may result in it being less effective at detoxifying. 

  • I would recommend staying in one place as you do this. Whenever I try to move around and do things while I have the mask on, I always leave a trail of bentonite bits that fall from my pits!  

  • I normally do this before I get in the shower so it’s easy to remove. 

Pro tip: You can also use this as a face mask, hair mask, bath, or foot bath. Don’t overdo it though – this isn’t something you need to do every day (unless you’re doing an armpit detox for the first time). 


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