4 Herbs for Grief & Loss

Grief and loss are inevitable in this life. As with all emotions, grief needs to be processed and moved through the body, sometimes more than once, or in cycles. This process looks differently and takes varying amounts of time for each of us. One thing that’s universal: we could all benefit from herbs during the grief process. 


Hawthorn (Crataegus spp.) leaf, flower, berry

Protection + Strength 

Hawthorn is a classic cardiovascular system ally. There are SO many benefits that hawthorn provides to our physical heart, but it’s sometimes forgotten that hawthorn is also a calming nervine. Energetically, I think of hawthorn as bringing a grounded strength during times of grief. When you’re feeling unsettled and/or overcome with grief, hawthorn can be an anchor. 

The berries, leaves, and flowers of hawthorn can be used in a tea, tincture, glycerite, or flower essence.


Rose (Rosa spp.) flower 

Opening + Comforting

A classic herb for a broken heart, Rose allows you to safely and comfortably open your heart as you let all of your emotions come to the surface. 

One of my favorite ways to work with rose as a heart opener is a rose flower essence. I’m also quite fond of rose elixir (blend of tincture and honey). You may take drop doses of the tincture or a spirit dose (light sprinkle) of the petals in a tea. You can also use the hydrosol (rose water) in a topical preparation or aromatic room spray.


Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) above ground parts 

Boundaries + Energy Field Protection

Yarrow is especially useful for extremely sensitive people who need strong boundaries and protection from other people’s energies. Yarrow is a protector and helps us feel safe enough to grieve freely. 

Yarrow can be made into a tea, tincture, flower essence or topical oil.


Borage (Borago officinalis) leaf and flower 

Uplifting + Fortifying 

Borage has long been known for its uplifting and fortifying affect on the grieving heart. Said to bring courage, borage can help you find strength when you’re emotionally run down. On a physical level, Borage also supports the kidneys and adrenals.
Borage contains PAs (pyrrolizalidine alkaloids), and as such, should be taken in small doses for no more than 3-6 months. You might start with 3 drops of the tincture or a sprinkle of the leaves in a tea. You can take a standard dose (whatever that means to you) of the flower essence.

If you’d like herbal support to nourish you during a time of grief, reach out or consider an energy work session


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